What Are The 5 Major Types Of Cybersecurity?


It would be nearly impossible to find anyone unaware of the internet these days. The avid usage of various internet platforms exposes us to multiple cyber threats. To protect us from these cyberattacks, several companies provide cybersecurity services. Cybersecurity companies have taken the work of protecting a notch ahead. In this blog, we are going to discuss 5 major types of cybersecurity services
But before we start to unfurl the topic any further, let’s discuss cybersecurity in more detail.

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity means protecting internet-related elements such as hardware, software and personal data.

Our digital footprint (personal information that we choose to upload on the internet) is extremely vulnerable data, for example, your pictures, check-ins etc. Vicious hackers can infix software that can infiltrate your hardware and software infrastructure and then decide to attack in multiple ways.

Hackers may use your data to harm you or zombify your hardware to carry out a large scale attack. This can happen with an individual or a whole organization. To prevent and stop such attacks, we need cybersecurity services. We will be discussing some of them.

5 Major Types Of Cybersecurity

  • Critical Infrastructure Security

  • Application Security

  • Network Security

  • Cloud Security

  • IOT Security

  • Critical Infrastructure

Critical infrastructure security is the primary type out of all the 5 major types of cybersecurity. It involves the security of the hardware network from possible cyber threats. Infrastructure security concerning IT includes practice to ensure that the underlying hardware infrastructure remains protected.

Benefits Of Critical Infrastructure Security

  • Infrastructure security makes networking cost-effective.

  • Shared Site Licensing is comparatively cheaper than machine licensing.

  • Improved productivity through secure and frequent file sharing.

  • Secured internal communication.

  • Internal data protection.

Sturdy infrastructure security requires appropriate bisection and division. It helps to avoid and restrict potential intruder exploitation from propagating and spreading to critical parts of the internal networking system.

Routers, switches, VAN, LAN etc. can be used for network segregation. Various firewalls can be implemented to avoid potential infrastructural threats as well.

  • Application Security

Application security is the process of developing security features for an application, testing them, and then adding them for broad use (releasing the features for users). E.g.,- the end-to-end encryption provided by some chat apps.

Importance of Application Security

Contemporarily, attackers go after applications these days, as applications are spread across various networks and connected to the cloud. Reaching the core of these applications is easy for attackers. They can surge up a mass attack on the users, hence application security is necessary. You can call it the 2nd pillar out of the 5 major types of cybersecurity.

Types Of application Security

There are 5 primary types of application security-

  • Application Security Testing

  • Logging

  • Authentication 

  • Authorization

  • Encryption

  • What Is Network Security?

Network security is a medium to protect your computer network and data from any potential threat, intrusion, or breaches. The reason network security has been included in the 5 major types of cybersecurity is that networks are becoming complex over time, and the risk of cyber breaches lingers throughout. Securing the network from any attacks is the foremost priority, as networking is the core of various tasks carried out by organizations and individuals these days.

Network Security is a complex process of securing data and networks, that involves both hardware and software, plus a set of rules and configurations. It covers the agglomeration of firewalls, access control, wireless and wired security gear, VPN, antivirus software, encryption etc.

The essential components of network security are-

  • Firewalls, 

  • IPS

  • Network Access Control (NAC)

  • Security information and event management (SIEM)

  • What Is Cloud Security?

Cloud space is an infinite space to store data online. Various platforms provide their users with access to this cloud space. As convenient as it may sound since cloud storage space is endless, and we don’t need to exhaust drives or SD cards, it is also the favourite space of hackers. Cloud is like a data warehouse for hackers if not protected. This very reason makes cloud security compulsory.

Elements Of Cloud Security

  • A secure architecture

  • Enforcing compliance

  • Practicing due diligence

  • Monitoring the network

  • Incorporating a solid authentication protocol

Although, why we should opt for cloud security shouldn’t be a question but still many of us still wonder about the benefits of opting for cloud security. With a secure cloud space, your data is protected from attacks like DDOS and other threats, it also protects against data loss and can help in quick and exact recovery even if your data is accidentally deleted.

  • What Is IOT Security?

IOT refers to the Internet Of Things, i.e., a network of hardware and software interconnected to share data through a local network or the internet. Now that you know about IOT, you will be able to understand why securing it is necessary and why IOT security is one of the 5 major types of cybersecurity.

The structure of IOT is vulnerable to cyberattacks in more than one way, as they are never set up keeping cybersecurity in mind. This reason makes IOT security quite complex. Because it’s not about securing one system, it is about securing a whole network of physical and virtual conjugated objects.

The complexity arises in assessing & securing all the different classes of hardware devices and software for vulnerabilities and potential threats, simultaneously rigging the network against an unsafe ecosystem interface. IOT is quite difficult to update and upgrade.

IOT security requires a cognitive approach that includes a multilevel assessment of each component of the IOT system.

Following were the 5 major types of cybersecurity that you need to have, especially if you own an organization. To know how cybersecurity works for you and what you need for your organization, you may contact cybersecurity companies to guide you better and provide you with suitable services.